
  • 28 Oct 2021

  • 28 Oct 2021

Types of Product Packaging Design

All of us generally purchase the product from the market for fulfilling our requirements. When we look at the front cover, we say Wow! this is nice, let us purchase this. We purchase and keep the content with us, but we never think about the process behind its making.

In this blog, we are going to have a glimpse of the types of Product packaging; along with the main functions that keep it highlighted in the minds of people.

What is Product Packaging?

Product packaging is the exterior part of any product. It is associated with structure, color, imagery, typography, and regulatory information with the help of ancillary design elements, that help to make a product suitable for marketing. It is predominant with the main perspective to create a vehicle that serves to contain, protect, transport, dispense, store, and can also identify and distinguish content in the marketplace. Its goal is to meet the marketing objectives by conveying a content personality or function and generating a sale exceptionally. It is how these are contained, protected, and transported.

There is a wide variety of products that are found in the market that come in some appealing and exceptional styles of packaging. So the package of the Coffee powder to the box of the Laptop keeps it safe, functionally, and qualitatively. It is above all, a practical tool, but it also means much more than for the brand it represents. It is the packaging that, through its design, convinces a consumer to make a purchase or not.


1. Paperboard boxes

Paperboard boxes, design, types

These are the paper-based materials that come in a lightweight but show the strong attribute in terms of giving protection to the product. It can be cut easily and personalized for creating custom shapes and structures. It can be made by turning fibrous materials into a pulp and then bleaching them.

Paperboard can be turned in various shapes, each suitable for different packaging requirements. It shows thickness, stiffness, and the ability to crease without cracking. Its proper surface properties make it suitable for printing.

These are generally used for packaging food and beverage products including juices, milk, and cereal. As it comes in several grades, so it marks its availability in dual oven-usable material in the form of trays, plates. Coated Recycled paperboard is used for dry food packaging.

Also, paperboard packages often are coated with various materials to improve printing and water vapor barrier. The additional thickness results in a sturdier sheet that is ideal for boxes; and provides protection for saleable products during transportation, handling, and storage.

2. Corrugated boxes

Corrugated boxes, design, types

Corrugated boxes show their connectivity with the Cardboads that we use in day-to-day life. The wood fibers that makeup cardboard are strong and resilient.

It is three-layered paper with an outside and inside liner, and a corrugated medium that shows its rigidity and strongness. This consistent feature help in wrapping the content.

Its multi-layered design brings a stable cushion that keeps products safe during transportation and handling. The cardboard is puncture-resistant and does not tear easily, and hence is well known for its durability. It produces large storage boxes.

Corrugated boxes too come with the same durability and strength. Corrugated also provides a durable barrier between your products and any outside moisture, keeping them dry on the road.

Corrugated boards can be customized in several ways. From thickness and size to coatings, adhesives, graphics, and shapes, corrugated boxes help businesses to suit their product and brand.

3. Plastic boxes

Plastic boxes, design, types

These are the lightweight, easily moulded, good impact, and reformative materials used for the wrapping purpose. It is mostly known for preserving the quality of food, that does not break easily and can be stored with food under extreme conditions.

It also marks its uniqueness when it showcases transparency, and highlights the flexibility, lightweight, and can be applied with films or coating to enhance covering appearance.

Plastics are used in a wide range in almost every sector, including to produce packaging, in building and construction, in textiles, transportation, electrical and electronics, and industrial machinery.

Plastic containers continue to be one of the most relied on storing, sorting, and transporting items that own or create.

Leveraging their capabilities in your home or business should end up saving you time and money. Its wide advantages make it the most usable in covering.

4. Rigid boxes

Rigid boxes, design, types

They are made up of die-cut and glued card that is then coated in a huge choice of plain or printed paper, and their premium image marks that they are hugely popular covering options in the retail and manufacturing sector.

It is made up of a paperboard that is four times highly thicker than the paperboard that is used in the construction of a standard folding carton. their non-collapsible nature gives them the attribute of getting higher volume during shipping.

It belongs in the list of the most expensive and hand-made materials. When the business chooses to sell online it will be safest to send away the booked parcels right on time in rugged packages.

Products like sweets are kept separately to make them stay unspoiled for an extended duration. Moreover, rigid boxes are specifically designed for introducing cost-effective packages of premium quality.

Its adaptable and durable fabric stock revalue the old packages as well as those newly generated.

5. Chipboard packaging

Chipboard packaging, design, types

It marks its presence in the industries such as food, medical, cosmetics, and beverages. It is a type of paperboard that can be easily cut, folded, and formed as per the requirement.

It is a cost-effective packing option that comes in various densities and strengths. Chipboard boxes are made from sustainable materials.

This brings graphics and product information to be easily presented on packaging without the addition of secondary labels. Chipboard boxes can help the product stand out from the competition with engaging graphic design.

Using chipboard boxes for the packaging needs is a great way to go green. It provides countless design options, Chipboard boxes can be printed directly.

It is used for making the furniture, floor decking, shelving, and general building work as well. It is a light weighted material made for many grocery items such as cereals, crackers, tissue boxes, and many more.

6. Polybags

Polybags, design, types

Polybags are mostly used for containing and transporting goods such as foods, produce, powders, ice, magazines, chemicals, and waste. A Polybag is also known as a plastic bag.

It is made of flexible, thin, and plastic film fabric. These are very simple to make, and used for the flowers, waste, and magazines, etc.

It is cost-effective and made with security features, and tape attachments that highlight the significance of well secured and bright visual appearance.

These are useful in storing herbs, wrapping the packed lunch as well. It is also used as snack bags, and it also helps in carrying fresh veg from the garden.

It marks its importance in covering germination seeds as mini-cloches. It helps in buying from packaging-free shops and proving sourdough overnight in the fridge and helps in storing homemade bread, tidying other non-food stuff, such as seeds, stationary.

7. Foil sealed bags

Foil sealed bags, design, types

Foil sealed bags are mostly found in Coffee and Tea packaging, as it has the attribute that keeps the inside content dense, which helps to maintain the flavor, and protects them from bacteria.

Nuts, cereals, smoked fish, cheese, and cured meats are also packaged with foil sealed bags to prevent spoilage. They perform well when protecting moisture-sensitive products like powdered granules and consumables.

Packaging materials of this kind are excellent for shipments as well they may go into storage at the end. Ideal to ensure that the product reaches the end-user in factory condition.

These not only play a crucial role in food but also mark their importance in terms of bedding and clothing materials. It helps in preventing the growth of fungi and other bacteria.

The process involves removing the oxygen from the bag to keep the fabric tight and secure to prevent the growth of fungi and other bacteria. Foil sealed bags are also used in preventing the spoilage of Nuts, cereals, smoked fish, cheese, and cured meats.

Main Functions

Good safety and hygiene properties in wrapping bring durability and resistance to water and chemical impacts. Packaging marks its importance for being on the front side. It sometimes defines the quality of the inner content. So it always marks special importance in the marketing strategy. Its functionality is most important for some specific terms. Let us study those concisely.


The main purpose of packaging is to protect the inside content from getting tampered with. It saves it from damages during transit in storerooms. It brings reliability and security profoundly.


It is the most important thing in the selling and purchasing in the marketing strategy. Because the package design does not create attraction, they would not come in use if not made appealingly. Its design should be in a way that grasps the attention of the customers in the first watch, and when placed at the shelf of the shopkeeper, should get placed in the list of prior selling.


Consumers are more likely to read an advertisement, that is colorfully compared to black and white. It helps not only to identify the brand but also to help illustrate points within an ad, highlighting the perspective of any industry. Shades of Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Purple, and Blue are all considered an excellent color choices to grab the attention of anyone easily in the business. It creates the vibes in a way that traipses the attention of any individual most fully. This attention helps to escalate the business optimistically. So the colors play a crucial role to highlight the significance of the product in the market.


Product, package, design, importance

Good information is believed to improve decision-making, enhance efficiency, and provide a competitive edge.

The front cover needs to include the information of the product inside, such as how to use it, ingredients, MRP, and expiry date as well.

This brings authenticity to the minds of people about the inner content. The information speaks about the reliability of the content, like whether to purchase it or not.

It also helps in making an image of the product which ultimately helps the product to differentiate it from the others in the market.

It highlights the logos, colors, or shapes that bring attraction to the minds of the people, and traipse their attention to purchasing.

It enables the product to get the brand identity with uniqueness. Innovative designs will make it stand out and attract customers.

It should send a clear message of the product on offer and connect with your target audience. So information should be quickly accessible and be easy to interpret at a glance, which would bring a wide range of customers.

Creates brand identity

If Simplicity is the key to showcasing the transparency of innocence then it also showcases the Wow factor of a brand by making it unique from others. It also helps out the brand to showcase its personality concisely and effectively to its audience. It can be versatile but along with this factor; it should also flourish some appealing designs. One of the best ways to make the packaging design versatile is to think about what format could be used to make it appealing to the consumers, which would emphasize the brand identity.


The package acts as its face or identity. It holds the power to replace identity modification and provide it with a beautiful design. Uniqueness plays a major role in the design is memorable. A product similar to an already used one will only make it look like a copy and easy to forget, as because most people do not like repeated things. A unique logo consistently triggers the visual memory cells of the brain and makes it remember. In the crowd, it becomes difficult in marketing, but the uniqueness escalates the sell effectively. This also leads to proper communication of the design to its target customers. The other side to the overall design is the functionality of the package itself.

Quality and Functionality

The other side to the overall design is the quality and functionality of the package itself. The quality contributes to the creation of the brand identity and thus enables the customers to purchase the product. The pack should be designed in a way that directly marks the quality of the inside content. It is difficult, but not impossible.

Packaging is always also a promise of the content. Packaging and product should therefore form a unit, i.e. the packaging should make the quality of the content visible outside. Confectionery or cosmetics, for example, often have a gifted character that should be reflected in the packaging. It should send a clear message of the product on offer and connect with your target audience. Information should be quickly accessible and be easy to interpret at a glance.

The product packaging design lying on the front side and aligns with almost all the elements of the brand. The design should reflect the branding at every opportunity.

The packaging creates the personality that should shine through the image highlighting the uniqueness, which would take the business to the peak of success.

[The images are being taken from the registered companies and belong to their respective owners only.]